How to market your restaurant on social media

Written by Brittany Paguni, Account Specialist
Social media marketing strategies for restaurants

Why Social Media?

Marketing a restaurant on social media is crucial in today's digital age. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer powerful tools to connect with customers, promote the restaurant's brand, and drive sales. By leveraging social media, restaurants can reach a wider audience, engage with customers, and build a loyal following. Social media also allows restaurants to showcase their menu items, promotions, and events through visually appealing posts, videos, and stories, which can create a strong emotional connection with customers and increase brand recognition.

Moreover, social media marketing can help restaurants gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences and behaviours. Social media platforms provide analytics and data that can help restaurants understand customer demographics, interests, and feedback. This information can be used to tailor marketing strategies, menu offerings, and customer experiences to better serve the target audience. Ultimately, marketing a restaurant on social media can provide a cost-effective and powerful way to build brand awareness, connect with customers, and drive business growth.

Here are some tips on how to effectively market your restaurant on social media:

  1. Identify your target audience - Before you start creating social media content, it's important to identify who your target audience is. Are you catering to families, millennials, or foodies? Understanding your target audience will help you create content that resonates with them.
  2. Choose the right platforms - Not all social media platforms are created equal, so it's important to choose the ones that are most relevant to your target audience. For example, if you're targeting millennials, Instagram and TikTok might be the best platforms to focus on, whereas if you're targeting families, Facebook might be more appropriate.
  3. Create high-quality content - Create high-quality content: social media is a visual medium, so it's important to create high-quality content that is visually appealing. This could include photos of your food, behind-the-scenes shots of your kitchen, or even videos of your chefs’ preparing dishes.
  4. Engage with your followers - Social media is a two-way street, so it's important to engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages and by sharing user-generated content (UGC). UGC is content created by your customers, such as photos or reviews of your restaurant, and can be a powerful way to build buzz and social proof.
  5. Use hashtags - Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your social media posts. By using relevant hashtags, you can reach a wider audience and attract new followers who are interested in your restaurant.
  6. Offer promotions and discounts - Social media is a great way to offer promotions and discounts to your followers. This could include offering a free dessert to customers who share a photo of their meal on Instagram or offering a discount code to customers who follow your restaurant on Facebook.
  7. Collaborate with influencers - Influencer marketing can be a powerful way to reach new customers and build buzz around your restaurant. Consider partnering with local influencers who have a large following and are aligned with your brand.
  8. Monitor and respond to reviews - Social media is also a platform for customer reviews, so it's important to monitor and respond to both positive and negative reviews. By responding to negative reviews in a constructive way, you can demonstrate your commitment to customer service and potentially turn a negative experience into a positive one.


Social media can be a powerful tool for marketing your restaurant. By identifying your target audience, creating high-quality content, engaging with your followers, and using promotions and influencer marketing, you can build buzz and attract new customers to your restaurant.

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About Geordy Murphy

From concept developer and restaurant general manager, to corporate chef and marketing director, Murphy has been the lead executive in a number of the country’s most prominent restaurants and bars.Connect with Geordy on

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